Our Roles in Promoting Engagements

Individual Challenges

Our approach to promoting attributes of engaged learners is deeply rooted in an understanding of the complex and individual challenges faced by contemporary students. These range from personal struggles like motivation, family dynamics, health issues, and financial constraints, to institutional challenges including access to schooling, autonomy in learning, engagement with material, and exam stress, to social pressures such as from peer dynamics, and environmental distractions such as screens and technology. 

Such challenges often lead to disengagement, manifesting as apathy, cynicism, anxiety, depression, detachment, overwhelm, aggression, and defensiveness.

Rather than isolating interventions or suggesting students sidestep these challenges, we embrace them as integral to growth and development. Our strategy involves a supportive, holistic approach to address these issues head-on. 

Our roleS

Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of the challenges, we understand that no single individual or organisation holds the key to overcoming these obstacles. The demands require collaborative efforts, partnerships, and a strong sense of community.

We seek to foster an ecosystem of support, where learners, alongside their parents, guardians, mentors, and educators, unite in a shared mission. We embed our strategies within a network of care, understanding, and mutual growth.

We see our role as working in a collaborative ecosystem to:

R1 Protect: We promote safe, supportive environments that encourage learners to explore and grow without fear.
R2 Advocate: We champion the rights and needs of learners, ensuring they have access to essential resources and opportunities.
R3 Listen: Through active listening, we seek to understand each learner’s perspective and needs.
R4 Motivate: We inspire learners to engage with their passions and persist through challenges.
R5 Support: Providing the necessary resources and assistance, we cater to the holistic development of our learners.
R6 Guide: Our advice and feedback aim to help learners navigate their educational paths and personal challenges effectively.
R7 Facilitate: We offer exploratory and practical learning opportunities while cultivating a community spirit through collaboration.
R8 Celebrate: Recognising achievements and efforts, we foster a culture of appreciation that uplifts and motivates.
R9 Model: As engaged learners ourselves, we exemplify the behaviors, attitudes, and values we wish to instill.
R10 Trust: Demonstrating faith in our learners’ capabilities allows them to confidently steer their own learning journeys.

Join us in our work

Our work at Learning with Leong is to nurture communities of engaged learners. 

Join us as we create, enhance, and share programs and activities designed to cultivate the attributes of engaged learners. Guided by our understanding of learning processes and our recognition of students’ individual challenges, we embrace and fulfil our roles to empower every student to flourish in their unique journey.