AI Stories


This project delves into the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance learning through language and imagery. Central to our mission is the exploration and celebration of human values. We aim to show how AI can amplify essential human qualities such as empathy and connection, positioning generative AI as a transformative educational tool that underscores our humanity.

As a former AI researcher who spent years researching, programming, and testing algorithms to mimic human behavior, our founder, Leong, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this endeavor. After leaving AI research, Leong dedicated the second half of his career to providing health and human services. His unique blend of expertise in AI and his deep understanding of human-centric fields drive our commitment to using AI to enrich the educational landscape. Through this project, we strive to create innovative solutions that not only advance learning but also promote a deeper understanding of the ethical implications of AI in our society.

Our goal is to inspire the next generation of technologists and users to harness AI’s full potential, responsibly guiding its application in education to foster ethical and beneficial outcomes.


In this short story, we journey through the mind of Emma, a fictional character who finds solace and expression in the transformative power of art, all created with the innovative use of AI-generated scripts, visuals, and voiceovers.

This video is a collaboration with motion designer and animator Dim Rusev, using AI tools ChatGPT, Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, Elevenlabs and Runway.

"BRIDGES OF MEMORIES" - a Story of AI in Ageing

Explore how AI can significantly improve communication and connection in aging communities. Immersed yourself in the touching fictional story between Eleanor, a resident of an aged care facility, and David, a staff member. Their story illustrates how AI may act as a vital link, enhancing their lives and fostering meaningful connections. This video, crafted with advanced generative AI technologies, aims to inspire both technologists and caregivers to innovate and develop AI as a tool to transform ageing and elder care.

This video is a collaboration with motion designer and animator Dim Rusev, using AI tools ChatGPT, Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, Elevenlabs and ZoeDepth Map.

Join Learning with Leong in sharing the joy of learning.