Student Pulse Global

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In this project, we embark on a global journey to capture the diverse and vibrant life of students through the lens of social media. Our international team of researchers, spread across various cultures and time zones, monitors social platforms to gain insights into the world students are living in online, to compare student experiences from around the world, across cultures and backgrounds. This endeavour is a celebration of the rich tapestry of student life globally, building a deeper understanding and a stronger connection among students worldwide.

Through this project, we gain insights that informs our media production, our learning programs and our activities to support young people. 

The first stage of the project was completed from December 2023 to March 2024, consisting of the 4 international team members below.

Watch this space for further announcements about the project.

Kristine Shamatava

Country of origin: Georgia

Current location: Italy

Languages I speak: Georgian, English, French, Russian.

Hey there! I’m Kristine, a 23-year-old reporter from Georgia. Currently, I’m an international student in Italy, doing Masters. Maybe you’re just like me, figuring out the ins and outs of the world. If that’s the case, welcome! Nice to have you here!

Why researching student life and experiences is meaningful to me: 

Researching student life and experiences is personally meaningful as a master’s student, allowing me to connect with the challenges and growth of my peers. Professionally, as a reporter, it aligns with my passion for storytelling and amplifying diverse narratives. I believe understanding student experiences contributes to positive changes in education and societal perspectives, making this research a valuable and impactful endeavor

What led me to work with Learning with Leong:

The company mission resonates with my values. As a master’s student and reporter, I’m passionate about education and youth empowerment. Additionally, being an international student, I appreciate the emphasis on inclusivity and the opportunity to contribute to a vision of education as a fundamental right for all youth. I believe in the transformative power of education, and working with Learning with Leong allows me to be part of a meaningful journey toward a world where learning is a core part of every young person’s life.



Country of origin: Indonesia

Current location: Surabaya

Languages I speak: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese.


Country of origin: Philippines

Current location: Japan

Languages I speak: English, Filipino, Japanese.

Konnichiwa and warm greetings! It’s a pleasure to connect with you. I’m Jerica Fajardo, a 24-year-old undergraduate student hailing from the beautiful Philippines. Currently, I find myself on a fascinating journey as an exchange student here in the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, for six months. Beyond academics, I have a genuine passion for connecting with people and immersing myself in their stories. There’s something truly enriching about learning from the diverse experiences of others. Pleased to virtually meet you, and I can’t wait to embark on this journey of connection together! :blush:

With my expertise in secondary education majoring in Health, I find researching student life to be significant—particularly in the context of their social media engagement. Learning about all aspects of student life provides me invaluable understanding that will help me develop instructional strategies that connect with a range of experiences.

As a current student, I can relate to their journey, recognize shared challenges, and acknowledge individual victories in Social Media, considering that I am familiar with student experiences, too. Unveiling the ways students share their lifestyles on social media is not just research—it’s an adventure! :star: This strengthens my connections to the academic community, Social Media, and reaffirms my dedication to creating an environment where students are able to succeed.

Learning with Leong hits close to home for me. My own values are strongly aligned with the emphasis on empowering students through interesting and life-changing educational opportunities. Education provides us with the most amazing instruments for a fulfilling life—it’s not just an academic delivery of knowledge! Education is a crazy ride! Imagine learning not simply for the pleasure of understanding but for the sake of becoming real-life superheroes filled with knowledge. Stay curious! Stay inspired! Happy learning! 

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Catharina Troiani

Country of origin: Brazil

Current location: Brazil

Languages I speak: Portuguese, Spanish, and English

Hello! I’m Catharina, a 20-year-old Brazilian girl studying business administration in the best university in Latin America, The University of São Paulo. I’m currently working at BTG Pactual, the biggest investment bank in Latin America. However, I have been part of different organizations, from startups to Disney Parks.
Why researching student life meaningful to me:
When I decided to join this company, I was amazed by the possibility of understanding how other students live. In Brazil, we have a very specific way of living as students, and I got excited to share about that too. What are the problems students face? What are the difficulties we get from our different activities? How can we overcome them? I hope all these questions can be answered by researching student life and discovering the differences between our achievements and goals.
What led me to working with Learning with Leong:
Education plays a pivotal role in my life, making possible things I could never imagine. With that in mind, I want to a-flourish this desire for learning inside other people’s minds, turning them into engaged people with education and student lifestyles.In my social media, I share my student life and all its different faces: being an intern, a student-athlete, and also a researcher. If you want to discover more about how a 20-year-old deals with all these activities, and also find time to travel, follow my accounts!

Join Learning with Leong in sharing the joy of learning.